Greenville, South Carolina – Julie Valentine Center (JVC) serves hundreds of sexual assault and child abuse victims free of charge. In 2022, PAC partnered with JVC to offer art and music therapy programs for teens and adults to help aid in their recovery and healing process.
14 Julie Valentine Center is one of 14 rape crisis centers in South Carolina
64 Number of adults and teens who participated in art and music therapy at Julie Valentine Center in 2022
45.9% Percentage of women in South Carolina who report being victims of sexual violence or coercion
$0.00 Cost of program to participants
Our partnership with JVC began when we saw a gap in how many people wanted to use their therapeutic services and how many people were able to be served at one time. While people were on the waitlist for talk therapy, they could begin to process their trauma and experiences through other forms of therapy, including art and music. This program helps to bridge the gap and allow JVC to offer even more holistic healing options to those they serve. PAC has brought on two therapists to implement weekly art and music therapy sessions for each age group.